WMOF 2022

A pastoral kit in view of the X World Meeting of Families

Now available a vademecum to be of help to the particular Churches in the organization of local meetings


As established by Pope Francis, the World Meeting of Families in June 2022 will be a “multi-centre” and “widespread” event. Each diocese therefore should organize events, reflections and moments of prayer to coincide with the gathering in Rome. And to do this in the best possible way, the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life and the Diocese of Rome, which organize the event, have prepared a pastoral kit, available on the website https://www.romefamily2022.com/en/wmof-diocesi/

«This vademecum - they explain - is designed to be of help to the particular Churches which are responsible for organizing local meetings. Each diocese / parish can take its cue from the indications that this pastoral kit offers, but with the freedom to adapt the initiatives to the local cultural context and to its own pastoral needs. The ecclesial objective is to create a global event, which has the particular face of each community».

The vademecum contains a collection of useful links, and reminds about the materials that are present online and are downloadable for free, such as the logo, the catechesis, the videos. Moreover, it provides some useful advice for dioceses. «We suggest that each diocese set up a pastoral team dedicated to the organization of the event, a team that is sufficiently large and not limited to just one couple. Forming such a team will be an opportunity to get to know the local realities of the families and to welcome, where possible, the proposals coming from the families». It is also possible to organize such events among several nearby dioceses, or around a shrine. The promoters also suggest evening meetings during the week of the Rome Meeting, or pastoral meetings during the weekend so as to facilitate those families that are at work during the week. Possibly in theme with the conferences and panels that will take place during the pastoral congress: “Domestic Church and Synodality”, “Family love: wonderful and fragile”, “Identity and mission of the Christian family”, “The matrimonial catechumenate”, “Family way of holiness”.

The objective, substantially, is that, in the week between June 22 and June 26 2022, each diocese place families at the center of their pastoral attention, carrying out activities that reflect the theme of the World Meeting. A sort of “Family Week” in unity with families and dioceses from all over the world, using creativity and enhancing the particularities of each territory. (Source: www.romefamily2022.com)

10 February 2022