Ad Limina

At the service of the Church in Zambia

The beauty of a growing Church came to light during the meeting with African bishops

Last March 30, the Dicastery welcomed the bishops from Zambia in an ad limina visit. In Zambia there are 11 dioceses organized along the lines of the SCCs (Small Church Communities) to foster a responsiveness to the people and create true communities of life. Catholics constitute a minority (20%) compared to Protestants, but this is a relatively young and growing Church context with a very high attendance rate at liturgical celebrations (over 70%).

Nevertheless, there have been strong social repercussions as a result of the health crisis triggered by the pandemic. According to the overview described by the African prelates, the laity in Zambia is very active, especially on the part of women, while the focus is on increasing involvement and participation on the part of men. Great efforts are being made in the field of formation activities, especially of catechists, while on the subject of family pastoral care, tremendous energy is being devoted to combating early marriages, a custom that is widespread amongst many groups throughout the country.

Ad Limina Visit, Zambia
30 March 2023