Family and life

A synodal platform, in dialogue with family and human life ministry

In an interview with Vatican News, the Under-Secretary, Gabriella Gambino, talks about the SynAct Family initiative and Catechumenal Pathways


( In an online meeting held a few days ago, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life presented the SynAct Family (Synod in Action) social platform promoted by the Dicastery to the coordinators of family ministry offices in different parts of the world. The initiative is part of the synodal process underway that aims at fulfilling the style of synodality, that is, of walking together, in the life and activity of the Church. The platform also aims at contributing to the successful implementation of the Synods on the Family (2014- 2015) and the Synod on Youth (2018) through the sharing of experiences, initiatives, reflections and good practices between the Dicastery and national and international coordinators of youth ministry and family ministry. During the meeting, Under-Secretary Gabriella Gambino also presented the document "Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life" that the Dicastery has made available to local churches, providing some practical suggestions on how to make it a reality.


Gambino: the academic world and pastoral care at the service of the family

In the interview with Vatican News - Vatican Radio Gabriella Gambino talks about the opportunities of the SynAct Family platform and the new document, mapping out the new lines of action that the Church is invited to take in order to more effectively accompany families, young people, and the elderly as they discover their specific vocation. So, today, it is fundamental that there be synergy between cultural and pastoral research in order to truly promote life and family. Read the complete interview in Italian here.

04 April 2023