Associations and Movements

Teresian Association: people in motion share the charism they have received

Celebrations of the centenary of its pontifical approval at the Gregorian University in Rome and address by Cardinal Kevin Farrell


“Charism does not end with the founder or its first co-workers, rather it continues to remain alive after them. It extends and expands into future generations. Indeed, as time passes, it becomes even more explicit.” With these words, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, spoke at the Academic Ceremony marking the conclusion of the centenary year of the pontifical approval of the Teresian Association (TA), which took place in the afternoon of 31 January 2025 at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

Charism to renew the Church and make present the salvation accomplished by Jesus

Invited to deliver opening remarks to those present – together with the Director-General of the TA, Gregoria Ruiz – the Prefect urged the members of the association to “be fully aware that the charism that God has given us retains a vital strength that does not come from us; it is the vital strength that flows from God Himself, who always works to draw people to Himself, to renew the Church, to make present the redemption and salvation that Jesus accomplished once and for all, but which must become relevant in every single soul, in every stage of history.”

San Pedro Poveda like Don Bosco: educating youth and forming formators

On the joyous occasion of the liturgical feast of Saint John Bosco, Cardinal Farrell noted how the founder of the TA, Saint Pedro Poveda, was also a Saint and educator who embraced a charism “clearly oriented towards the education of youth, towards their human and spiritual formation.” His final invitation was to commit to forming the future formators of youth, “to propose the beauty of the Christian life to those who never experienced it. This is a task you must undertake with commitment and seriousness!”

The Academic Ceremony ended with presentations by Sister Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, Undersecretary of the Secretariat of the Synod, on the theme “The Mission of the Laity in a Synodal Church,” and Elisa Estévez Lopez from the Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, on “Itineraries of Lay Spirituality in Pedro Poveda.”



The Teresian Association  was founded in Spain in 1911 through the initiative of Father Pedro Poveda Castroverde, who was canonized by John Paul II in 2003. In 1924, it was recognized as a Primary Pious Union. On 21 November 1990, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed the recognition of the Teresian Association as an international association of the faithful. The Teresian Association holds consultative status with ECOSOC and collaborates on programmes promoted by UNESCO.

The Teresian Association manages educational centres, sociocultural initiatives, formation of formators, university housing, youth organizations, publications, international cooperation and voluntary work programmes. In the countries where it is present, the Teresian Association may establish legal entities to contribute to civil society through its projects.


01 February 2025