#WMOF22 - Card. Farrell: the next event for families with the Holy Father will be held in Rome
The "Jubilee of Families," in 2025 in Rome and the 11th World Meeting of Families in 2028 are the next upcoming events for families throughout the world, announced the Prefect of our Dicastery
The main celebrations of the 10th World Meeting of Families concluded with Mass in St. Peter's Square on the evening of Saturday, June 25. In his homily, the Pope encouraged families to carry on the Christian witness of the beauty of family vocations.
“The Church is with you; indeed, the Church is in you! For the Church was born of a family, the Holy Family of Nazareth, and is made up mostly of families. May the Lord help you each day to persevere in unity, peace, joy, and in moments of difficulty, that faithful perseverance, which makes us live better and shows everyone that God is love and communion of life”, said the Holy Father in his homily. That encouragement was later strengthened with the missionary outreach that the families gathered in St. Peter's Square, in communion with the families meeting in dioceses around the world this weekend, received from the Holy Father at the end of the Eucharistic celebration.
The Mass for evangelizing families also represented the moment of the official closing of the "Amoris Laetitia Family" Year - as Cardinal Kevin Farrell, the Prefect of our Dicastery, recalled in his address. It has been "a year that aimed at providing new impetus to the family ministry in dioceses around the world: bishops, priests and laity everywhere have worked with enthusiasm and dedication to listening to the concrete needs of families and to review methodologies and details regarding pastoral care," - emphasized Card. Farrell. The cardinal also thanked the Holy Father "for the true 'gifts' that he has given to all families in this Year dedicated to them: the Letter to Spouses, the recent document on Catechumenal Itineraries for Married Life, the touching 10 Amoris Laetitia Videos on the family, and the cycle of Catechesis on old age that he is developing, with which, once again, he returns to the theme of the elderly."
The Prefect also announced the two upcoming meetings of families with the Holy Father. The first, will be the "Jubilee of Families" to be held in 2025 in Rome as part of the Jubilee Year celebrations. The second, of which the venue has not yet been announced, will be the 11th World Meeting of Families in 2028. "Let us pray from now that these, too, will be great events of grace that touch the hearts of thousands of families" - concluded Card. Farrell with this invitation.