WMOF 2022

“Living forgiveness”: the second short video for WMOF 2022

In support of the catechesis "Called to holiness" of WMOF 2022, the short film produced by the Diocese of Rome


As we come closer to the 10th World Meeting of Families, which will take place in Rome from June 22nd to June 26th 2022, the Diocese of Rome has developed seven catecheses on the family, so as to give support for meetings held in the parishes around the world. Each catechesis is accompanied by a short film made by film director Antonio Antonelli. 

“Living forgiveness” is the title of the second short film that accompanies the catechesis "Called to holiness" and tells the story of a Roman couple who, despite experiencing a serious marital crisis, manage to rediscover the strength and beauty of their marriage.

These short films last about 8 minutes each, and they are available - together with the catecheses - on the official website of the Meeting www.romefamily2022.com

14 February 2022