10 videos Amoris Laetitia

Walking together: the first video

Pope Francis in dialogue with families in a series of 10 videos


“Today we will begin a 10-month journey undertaken together to talk about the beauty of being a family. Everyone is called to lovingly care for the life of the family, because families are never a problem, they are always a gift and, in terms of the future, they are an opportunity”. This is the invitation of Pope Francis in the video "Walking Together", the first of 10 videos in which he This is the invitation of Pope Francis in the video "Walking Together", the first of 10 videos in which he participates with families from different parts of the world.

 Through a series of 10 videos, beginning with the chapters of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, the Holy Father, with the help of several families, invites us to journey together to rediscover the family as a gift, despite every problem, obstacle and challenge that families have to face today.

Each video is accompanied by a guide that can be used flexibly either by families or by various ecclesial groups (diocesan, parochial, community). Each guide is then subdivided into 4 parts. Each of these can be used for further reflection in the family or in a community, in different moments as well.

This tool is intended to be helpful for pastoral ministry to families, and contains proposals and suggestions that can be adapted to the local situation. The objective is to nurture reflection, dialogue and pastoral practice and, at the same time, to provide encouragement, stimulus and help to families in their spiritual and concrete daily lives.

This pastoral resource is an initiative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life in collaboration with the Dicastery for Communication, as part of the initiatives of the « Amoris Laetitia Family » Year.

25 March 2021