10 videos Amoris Laetitia

Called to an Ecclesial Mission: Families are to accompany young people on the journey for love

Online the seventh episode of the dialogue of the Pope with families

«A generic concern for the family in large pastoral projects is not enough. We need a new missionary thrust: we cannot stop at theory, but we need to grapple with people’s concrete problems. Preparing young people for matrimony is a pillar for evangelizing families». With these words the Holy Father speaks to us of the calling to ecclesial mission, in the seventh of the 10 videos that see Pope Francis as a protagonist together with families from different parts of the world.

This video refers to the sixth chapter of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: “Some pastoral perspectives”.  Accompanying the words of the Holy Father is the testimony of the Dobo’s, a family from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. « So, it is desirable that pastoral ministers be formed with respect to the tremendous changes and the great questions that regard the family today; a formation that responds concretely to these questions and changes», Dobo’s say.

Through a series of 10 videos, the Holy Father, with the help of several families, invites us to journey together to rediscover the value and beauty of the family. Each video is accompanied by a guide that can be used flexibly either by families or by various ecclesial realities (dioceses, parishes, communities).

This pastoral resource is an initiative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life in collaboration with the Dicastery for Communication, as part of the initiatives of the «Amoris Laetitia Family» Year.

29 September 2021