
You all have the opportunity to transform your life, to know God!

The second video of the #IamChurch series is online


"All of you have the opportunity to transform your life, to know God!" It's a call that comes from four young deaf brothers from Mexico who, in the second video of the #IamChurch series, online as of today, December 13, talk about their experience communicating the Gospel within the deaf community in their country.

Their story is intertwined with that of a couple, he deaf, she hearing, who live in Venezuela. Eduardo tells how, thanks also to the meeting with Luizandra, a sign language interpreter, "as a deaf person, I felt part of the Church".

Both the Segoviano brothers and the young Venezuelan couple belong to DCYIA (Deaf Catholic Youth Initiative for the Americas) and are actively engaged in pastoral care. They demonstrate that - as Pope Francis wrote in his recent Message to persons with disabilities - in the life of the Church: "everyone is a protagonist, no one can be considered a mere extra."

From their words, it is furthermore perceived that the path that leads to inclusion is through participation in the ordinary moments of the life of one's own ecclesial community: "Reading the word of God and the Bible, catechesis, groups, apostolic services . All this helped me to make myself feel involved. For example, in 2018 I was invited to work in WYD. I was in Panama ".

Friendship with Jesus makes every disciple a missionary and in this there is no difference between those who have and those who do not have a disability. "All those programs, the trips, the meetings helped me learn new things, and helped me teach the deaf, the community, to get to know Jesus better and His love."

#IamChurch is an initiative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, as part of the "Amoris Laetitia Family" Year. It is a journey through five videos, to discover women and men too often victims of the throwaway culture and who, instead, bear witness to a smiling, proactive, cheerful humanity: the attractive face of the Church.

13 December 2021
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