WMOF 2022

A stamp dedicated to the World Meeting of Families

Issued a stamp to commemorate the Meeting that will start on 22 June


The Marriage at Cana of Galilee, a work created by a Jesuit priest, Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, is the subject of the official image of the 10th World Meeting of Families, scheduled to take place in Rome from June 22 to 26, 2022, which has as its theme, "Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness," which will be the focus of the stamp and sheet of one of the May 16 Vatican philatelic issues that also include a remembrance of the 150th  anniversary of the birth of St. Louis Orion; an ideal pilgrimage toward the Jubilee 2025, passing through Asia; and finally the series: Europe 2022: Stories and Myths.

Marriage and its vocation in the world

"The family is the expression of the Sacrament of Marriage and this totally changes its meaning, because a sacrament always implies transformation." This is how Father Rupnik describes the painting chosen to commemorate the upcoming World Meeting of Families to be held in Rome in June. In the center of the composition are Jesus and a female figure representing the Church and Humanity. On the left are the bride and groom with their faces covered by a veil to depict the mystery of marriage. The apostle then, like the table master at the wedding in Cana pours the new wine gushed from Christ's side to the families who, looking at the image, thus become participants in the scene.


(from Vatican News)

17 May 2022