Formation of the Laity

As stated in the Apostolic Constitution "Praedicate Evangelium," the Dicastery “studies issues relating to cooperation between the laity and ordained ministers in virtue of their baptism and the diversity of charisms and ministries, in order to foster in both an awareness of co-responsibility for the life and mission of the Church” (Art. 132).

Its carries out its tasks in close collaboration with the Commissions for the Laity of the Bishops' Conferences in order to foster greater awareness of this lay responsibility that stems from Baptism and Confirmation. By promoting initiatives and best practices, through the Laityinvolved platform, and organizing conferences on the promotion and formation of the laity at the international level, the Dicastery engages in the promotion and formation of the laity on a daily basis.







Associations and movements
An insight into the meaning of the statutes for an association that is recognized by the Church

  The statutes of an associations are a "guarantee for safeguarding the charism" that generated them. A statutory text reflects and guards the life and charism typical of an ...

The Pope's Video
The Pope's video of the month of May to pray for ecclesial movements and groups

  Ecclesial movements “are a treasure in the Church”: they speak “different languages” and “they seem different, but it is their creativity that creates these differences.” This is how Pope ...

Plenary Assembly
The Second Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery takes place from April 20 to 22

  The Second Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life opened today on the theme “Laity and Ministry in a Synodal Church”. Some 35 members and consultors from around the world ...