The training of some of the 1,300 volunteers has begun and the Hyland family from Australia is coming

In Dublin, the organizational machine preparing the big World Meeting of Families is moving ahead. There are already over one thousand registrations, precisely 1046, with 606 from Ireland and 440 from ...

The protagonist of this audio file, downloadable for free, is the composer Ephrem Feeley

This week too, we are heading towards the Dublin World Families Meeting to the sound of a podcast. On this fourth appointment with the series “Let’s Talk Family,” Brenda Drumm, Communications Manager ...

The guest of this new audio file, which can be downloaded for free, is the pastoral planning expert Petra Conroy

As announced; the third podcast of the series "Let's Talk Family" on the way to the meeting in Dubin, is available online. This week's guest, introduced as the others by Brenda Drumm, the ...

Guest of the second free downloadable audio file is Father McNeice, Master of Ceremonies to the Archbishop of Dublin

The second episode in the “Let’s talk family” podcast series has been released. As announced, this week a new podcast will accompany families on the way to the Meeting in Dublin. The guest of this ...

A meeting at the Dicastery with representatives of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe

A few days ago, the Vice President of FAFCE visited our Dicastery with the Secretary General, Nicola Speranza, and the delegate of the Family Associations Forum, Vincenzo Bassi. The meeting was ...

A weekly podcast from Dublin with experiences and testimonies about the joy of family life

The 2018 World Meeting of Families in Dublin will not only be lived and shared by all but also listened to on the way. For this reason, WMOF podcasts are available online: “Each of these audio files ...

The delegate Msgr. Simón in Madrid at a conference for the preparation of the Meeting in Dublin

A few days ago, the delegate of our Dicastery, Msgr. Carlos Simon, attended a meeting in Madrid, at the headquarters of the Spanish Bishops' Conference. The focus of this encounter, attended by Family ...

From the Archdiocese of Dublin: A Vademecum with all you need to know to prepare for the 2018 World Meeting of Families

What exactly is a World Meeting of Families? How is the next one organized? How can we prepare for it? Will the Pope be in Dublin? How can we participate? Less than a year now separates us from the ...


The Dicastery’s Prefect, Card. Kevin Farrell, attended the 4th Annual Faith and Life Convention, on “Faith in the Family,” organized by the Diocese of Down and Connor and held on Saturday at Our Lady ...

A meeting at our Dicastery focused on the families who will present their testimony at the Festival

A few days ago, a preparatory meeting for the World Meeting of Families was held in the offices of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The participants were the Dicastery’s Secretary, Fr. ...