

“To renew the commitment to guard and protect human life from its beginnings to its natural end”: this is the wish that Pope Francis reiterated, in yesterday’s Angelus, recalling the Day for Life ...

A manual for smartphones available in three languages will be presented in Panama

Is the embryo only a clot of cells?  Are prenatal diagnosis techniques acceptable?  Who can judge the value of life?  Is assisted reproduction the only alternative in the event of ...


“God is a ‘lover of life’, for this reason “we must say to all the men and women in the world: do not despise life!”. Pope Francis during the general audience in his catechesis on the Fifth ...

After the rejection of abortion reform in Argentina, hardly scientific words published by the medical journal

 “Catholic Church vs. women’s rights in Argentina” is the title of the editorial of the British medical journal The Lancet in its issue of August 18th. It refers to the events surrounding the ...

L’Osservatore Romano
A special issue of “Women Church World” dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae

The September issue of L’Osservatore Romano’s monthly magazine “Women Church World” is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae. In the opening editorial, Lucetta Scaraffia ...

Bishop Sousa denounces fake news and inflated numbers intended to influence public opinion

Some pro-abortion organizations and newspapers have tried to influence public opinion in Brazil, by inflating the numbers of induced abortions performed each year in the country. The denunciation was ...

In Brazil, the debate on the decriminalization of abortion has begun

A call to defend life from conception to natural death has been launched by the Brazilian Bishops in view of the debate on a proposal to decriminalize the voluntary interruption of pregnancy up to the ...

Pope Francis
"The Pope's words on selective abortion and the family addressed to the delegation of the Forum of Family Associations"

“The human family as an image of God, man and woman, is only one. It is only one.” Pope Francis said this, a few days ago, speaking off-the-cuff to a delegation from the Forum of Family Associations ...


“40 anni per il futuro” (40 Years for the Future) is the title of the volume signed by Carlo Casini, founder and honorary president of the European Federation “One of us,” and Marina Casini, president ...


“Today, ours is a ‘culture of waste,’ while fighting for life means fighting for a culture in which every life is to be respected. Today, when we say this, it seems like we’re speaking ‘Martian.’ Your ...