Pope Francis

The Family is Only Between a Man and a Woman

"The Pope's words on selective abortion and the family addressed to the delegation of the Forum of Family Associations"
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“The human family as an image of God, man and woman, is only one. It is only one.”

Pope Francis said this, a few days ago, speaking off-the-cuff to a delegation from the Forum of Family Associations received in audience.

“Today—it hurts to say this—there’s talk about ‘diversified’ families, different types of families. Yes, it is true—the Pope said—that the word ‘family’ is an analogical since we talk of the ‘family’ of stars, ‘families’ of trees, ‘families’ of the animals… it is an analogical word. However—he reiterated—the human family as an image of God, man and woman, is one.”

Speaking about children, “the greatest gift,” Francis declared that “they are to be welcomed as they come, as God sends them, as God permits—even if sometimes they are sick. I have heard that it is fashionable—or at least usual— to do some tests in the early months of pregnancy to check if the child might be unhealthy or come with some problems... If that is the case, the first proposal is: ‘Shall we do away with it?’ The murder of children. And, to assure oneself a peaceful life, an innocent person is eliminated.” “In the last century—he added—the whole world was scandalized by what the Nazis did for the sake of racial purity. Today, we do the same thing, but with white gloves.”

Finally, the Pope referred to Amoris Laetitia: "Some have reduced this to a sterile casuistry of ‘yes, it can be done; no it can’t’. They haven’t understood anything!” His speech then focused on marriage preparation, recalling what a woman told him in Buenos Aires: “To become a priest, a man studies for eight years; he prepares himself for eight years. And, then, if after a few years it doesn’t work, he can write a nice letter to Rome; and, in Rome, they give him permission, and he can get married. On the contrary, they give us a Sacrament for life, and we should be satisfied with three or four preparatory conferences. It’s unfair.” Francis, therefore, stressed that, today, there is a need for “a catechumenate for marriage, just as there is a catechumenate for baptism.”

19 June 2018