Plenary Assembly
Plenary Assembly
After the greeting by Card. Farrell, the Holy Father's address to the participants in the 2nd Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery
"You are a 'popular' Dicastery, I would say, and this is beautiful! Remember: never lose this characteristic of closeness to the women and men of our time. Closeness, I emphasize ...
Plenary Assembly
Cardinal Kevin Farrell's Address to the Holy Father
We publish the Address to the Holy Father Francis by the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Cardinal Kevin Farrell, on the occasion of the Holy Father' Audience to the ...
Plenary Assembly
The Second Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery takes place from April 20 to 22
The Second Plenary Assembly of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life opened today on the theme “Laity and Ministry in a Synodal Church”. Some 35 members and consultors from around the world ...