International Catholic Society for Girls



Association Catholique Internationale de Services pour la Jeunesse Féminine






International Catholic Society for Girls 






ACISJF, the first Catholic international association for girls, was established on August 18, 1897 in Fribourg, in Switzerland, on behalf of Louise de Reynold. Its goal was to address the needs of young girls who, due to social changes, had to live far from their families. At that time, it was called the International Catholic Association of Organizations for the Protection of Girls, and within a year it had extended its network from Russia to the United States of America. In 1910 it played a fundamental role in the establishment of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations. After the Second World War, along with losing contact with Central and Eastern Europe, which would pick up again only in 1991, it expanded throughout Latin America and Africa. Its present name was approved in 1964. 

Previously recognized by the Holy See, the Pontifical Council for the Laity granted recognition of the Association Catholique Internationale de Services pour la Jeunesse Féminine as an international association of the faithful on April 26, 2007. As an NGO it has consultative status with UNESCO, and participatory status with the Council of Europe.



ACISJF brings together national, local and regional Catholic associations and institutions that work to help young women. The mission of the association is the integral promotion of young women who live outside their family context or those who have no family at all. Starting with concrete services, ACISJF helps the young women who are taken in to achieve, to the best of their abilities, integration into life and society, without distinction of race or nationality, while respecting their culture and religion.



The official organs of ACISJF are the General Assembly, which meets every four years; the International Council, made up of members elected or co-opted for four years; the International Bureau, composed of the General President, the General Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Ecclesiastical Assistant, the Secretary General and a maximum of nine members proposed by the General President and ratified by the International Council. It is possible to join the ACISJF as full members; as associate members, who cooperate in pursuing the goals of the ACISJF, whilst not assuming the obligations of fully-fledged member associations; as corresponding members, who work in the same field and have a relationship of exchange of services and information with ACISJF.



ACIJSF offers different services according to the needs and specific local situations of the various countries, and functional to the different social situations: hostels for young women who work, those in difficulty, single mothers, students, migrant women; information and orientation services; placement of "au pairs in families"; literacy, school support; cultural and sports centers; vocational training workshops; language courses for migrants.



Contacts, semi-annual bulletin in French, Spanish and German.





International Catholic Society for Girls
Maison des Associations
15, rue des Savoises

1205 Genève


Tel : 0041 (0) 22 800 08 35

E-mail :