Obra de San Juan de Ávila
The Work of St John of Avila was founded in Valencia, Spain, on the initiative of Rev. José Soto Chuliá (1887-1975). As parish priest, he saw the need to start groups of lay faithful within parishes. These people would live according to their baptismal promises and their testimony would awaken the Christian conscience of others. Under his direction, several young women who stayed unmarried for love of Christ and the Church and who saw this as their vocation to spiritual motherhood, placed themselves at the service of the Church and devoted themselves to setting up apostolic groups. The experience gradually spread to various other dioceses in Spain and in 1962, in Valencia, the Pía Unión Obra del Beato Juan de Avila was canonically erected in 1962. Within thirty years it had gone beyond the borders of Spain and Europe. On 12 March 1994 the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed recognition of the Obra de San Juan de Avila as an international association of the faithful.
The Work of St John of Avila is made up of women who are single. It aims at the Christian perfection of its members and the formation of apostolic groups composed of children, young people, women and married couples, all of whom wish to live out their baptismal promises in their own state of life and profession. Its spirituality is characterised by the consistent exercise of the virtues through grace, participation in the sacraments and personal commitment and by an intense interior life to strengthen union with Christ. The faith formation of members is based on the study of Sacred Scripture, the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, the pontifical magisterium, the writings of the saints and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The association is made up of members (with final commitment, with temporary renewable commitment and aspirants) and members of apostolic groups who participate in the charism of the Association even though they are not legally bound to it.
In addition to the faith formation of groups of children, young people, women and married couples, the Work of St John of Avila provides catechesis, accompaniment of secondary and university students in their integral education and international exchanges with a view to spreading the charism.
Books on the spirituality of the founder José Soto Chuliá.
Obra de San Juan de Ávila
Calle Cirilo Amorós, 29, 6ª puerta
46004 Valencia - Spain
Tel.: [+34] 96 351 08 00