The Greatest Poverty

The Pontifical John Paul II Institute is promoting a seminar on the pastoral for marginalized families

“Pastoral Commitment with marginalized and poor families” is the theme of the seminar proposed by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family from 2 to 11 May. The event, now in its second year, is organized by the spouses Benito Baranda and Maria Lorena Cornejo, who, inspired by the figure of Saint Albert Hurtado, have devoted nearly 30 years of their lives to helping the poorest of the poor in the suburbs of Santiago de Chile.

“Aware that the greatest poverty is that of loneliness – explain the promoters – we will also reflect, in the wake of Pope Francis, on the influence of material poverty on family life.” The seminar is intended to train pastoral workers and families themselves so that “they may understand the situation of those living in poverty and social exclusion from an integral perspective” and “be able to do pastroral work within this reality in the most appropriate and effective manner.”

For info and registration:

09 February 2017
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