Keynote speech by Professor Gambino at the 54th ASCAI National Congress in Pompei
From 2 to 5 September 2024, the 54th Congress of Associazione Canonistica italiana (ASCAI) took place in Pompei under the theme “Matrimonial consent and lack of faith: teachings and ...
Marriage and Family
Under-secretary Gambino at the National Family Pastoral Day in Lezhë
On 20 April 2024 in Lezhë, Albania, the National Day of Family Pastoral Care was celebrated at the ‘Redemptoris Mater’ Seminary. Organised by the Episcopal Commission for Laity, Family and Life ...
Undersecretary Gambino's speech at the National Colombian Meeting on Family Pastoral Care
“The Church supports the educational mission of the family” This was the theme of the National Meeting of Family Pastoral Care that took place in Colombia where, from Oct. 19 to 21, lay ...
Family and Life
“Married Couples and priests: co-responsible in light of the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life”
Speech by the Under-Secretary Gabriella Gambino during the Longo Jubilee Year (2022-2023)
On February 4, 2023, the Family and Life sector of the Campania Bishops' Conference organized a meeting at the Shrine of Pompeii to launch a regional synodal in-depth study aimed at implementing the ...
Marriage and family
"Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life" presented to the Bolivian Bishops' Conference
The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life was invited by the Bolivian Bishops' Conference to speak at the meeting to program the National Plan for Family Pastoral Care for the three-year period ...
Pope Francis
Unity and fidelity; two matrimonial assets which, before being legal obligations for every Christian marriage, are the epiphany of baptismal faith
It is a very meaningful passage in the speech which Pope Francis gave to the officials and lawyers of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the inauguration of the juridical year. The secularization of ...
J.P.II Institute - Rome
Admissions are open until 31st May 2019 for two interdisciplinary academic courses, a Master’s Degree and Diploma, offered by the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute, Rome, in the Sciences ...
Engaged and Married Couples
The Friars Minor of Umbria and the “Great Mystery” Project: a meeting of pastoral care operators for engaged couples and a course in Nuptial Theology
Two events for a whole week in the home of Saint Francis. First, the 6th meeting for the critical review of marriage preparation courses for couples involving the “Great Mystery” project and the ...
JP II Institute
The words of Cardinal Scola on the posthumous volume by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra
A few days ago, the posthumous volume “Writings on Ethics, Family and Life” by Cardinal Carlo Caffarra was presented at the Pontifical “John Paul II” Theological Institute. In presenting the ...
The themes which emerged from the Fourth Congress of the “Africa Family Life Federation”
Humanae Vitae indissolubly combines two concepts: reinforcing spousal communion and the constant openness to life. Amoris Laetitia further develops this connection throughout the various stages ...