

The free union "between man and woman" continues to be the foundation of the family. This is what the Catholic Bishops of Romania have stated in a press release issued the day after the ...

Associations and Movements
Prefect Farrell’s message to the families of the Renewal in the Spirit gathered in Pompeii for the 11th Pilgrimage

“You are the people who make Jesus present in the world, in your small one, noiselessly, by giving and receiving love for others. This is how marriage and the family are built, and human life, ...

During the General Audience, Pope Francis retraced the days of the IX World Meeting of Families that just ended

“My presence in Ireland—Francis said during this morning’s General Audience, taking stock of the meeting that ended on Sunday—was, above all, intended to confirm the Christian families in their ...

World Meeting of Families

“The complexity of today’s society and the challenges faced by the family require a greater effort on the part of the whole Christian community in preparing those who are about to be married.” The ...

World Meeting of Families

“Marriage is a combination of joys and privations, tensions and rest, suffering and liberation, satisfaction and searching, annoyance, and joy. No family is a perfect reality; it requires gradual ...

Interview of Undersecretary Ghisoni with Vatican News

“If we remember and renew the awareness of what the alliance between a man and a woman means in marriage, as well as the gifts, the fruits, the benefits that it entails for the children and for the ...

Interview of Prefect Farrell with the Italian Bishops’ press agency

“We hope that thanks to the Meeting, families will be able to acquire a more intense awareness of their vocation, which is to bear witness of joy before the world in spite of all the difficulties that ...

Local Churches
The first of a series of documents with pastoral indications in the light of “Amoris Laetitia” has been published

“Key Points for Marriage Preparation in the Light of Amoris Laetitia” is the title of the document of “new” pastoral guidelines published in recent days by the German Bishops’ Conference. It is a slim ...

Defense of Life
The Jérôme Lejeune Foundation Chair in Bioethics makes available a collection of unpublished materials on Pope Paul VI’s encyclical

Fifty years after the publication of the encyclical “Humanae Vitae,” the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation Chair in Bioethics has published the Humanae Vitae Project, a collection of unpublished materials ...

Pope Francis
In his address to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, the Pope reaffirms the intangibility of human life and the importance of the family, “the future of the Church and of society”

Pope Francis pronounced two important speeches in recent weeks on the themes of marriage, family, and life. The first was addressed to the participants of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for ...