Activities of the Dicastery

A delegation of European parliamentarians visits the Dicastery

Some MEPs meet to discuss family policy issues

In recent days, at the headquarters of the Dicastery’s Family Section, Msgr. Carlos Simon met with a delegation of European parliamentarians led by Mr. Miroslaw Mikolasik (Slovakia). The delegation was formed by Mr. Tunne Kelam (Estonia), Ms. Marijana Petir and Ms. Vanja Romlin (Croatia), Mr. Alojz Peterle (Slovenia), and Dr. Catherine Vierling (France).

After the salutations and presentations, the reflection was focused on possible initiatives and strategies to highlight the need for family friendly policies. Msgr. Simon invited the MEPs to take inspiration from the recent intervention given by the Holy Father at the Congress of the European Fédération of Catholic Family Associations (FAFCE), on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. There, the Pope called for testimony and dialogue in the current European context, at all levels and with all the agencies concerned, to show how the family open to life is “an indispensable resource” for society.

The social capital that helps the economy, welfare, social harmony, and solidarity in various sectors to progress, in the midst of crises and difficulties, is in the family’s DNA. This social capital—which is itself the fruit of the social virtues of the family—helps to make society’s integral, human progress successful. This reality, supported by scientific and sociological data, is a priceless service—provided that the sterile ideological debate is left behind. In this way, politics can set up the best resources for social promotion. The political leaders are directly called on to promote and implement such projects for the benefit of the family.

26 June 2017