Local Churches
Prefect Farrell returns to his diocese to receive an Honoree Award and inaugurate Holy Trinity Seminary campus

  Today, the Catholic Foundation will confer upon Prefect Kevin Farrell the “Award Honoree 2018” for his “enormous impact on the local Catholic community during his service as Bishop of the ...

Available in five languages along with musical itineraries, videos, and multimedia clips

Starting today, the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation in the Temple, the Catecheses for the Dublin World Meeting of Families (21-26 August 2018) are available in five languages on our website. The ...

Family and New Technologies
The report of the International Center for Family Studies: “The Social Networks, Valid Support”

The favorite social network of families is WhatsApp, where most of the family connections are present (82%). On Facebook, however, they are just over one half (51.4%). The instant messaging ...

The Ad Limina Visit of the Russian Bishops to the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life

A vast territory with few priests, “new Christians” who need formation, and great commitment in defense of life. This is, in short, the situation of the Catholic Church in Russia told about by the ...

John Paul II Institute

The Chair “Gaudium et Spes” at the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences was inaugurated a few days ago. “The new chair—a note indicates—expresses the ...