Pastoral messages in view of the referendum on abortion. Primate Martin: “Be missionaries for life”

“If society accepts that one human being has the right to end the life of another, then it is no longer possible to claim the right to life as a fundamental human right for anybody.” This is how the ...

Pope Francis
In his address to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, the Pope reaffirms the intangibility of human life and the importance of the family, “the future of the Church and of society”

Pope Francis pronounced two important speeches in recent weeks on the themes of marriage, family, and life. The first was addressed to the participants of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for ...

Associations and Movements
The International Congress of Spiritual Assistants of the European Scouting Federation focuses on the ecclesial dimension and the pastoral consequences of the Holy See’s recognition

Father José Guillermo Gutiérrez Fernández, an official of the Dicastery, spoke a few days ago at the International Congress of Spiritual Assistants of the Federation of European Scouting. The meeting ...

Ateneum Regina Apostolorum
Superior Institute for Women’s Studies is offering an advanced course for a panoramic vision of the body in today’s culture

The advanced course “Signifying the Body: Limit, Encounter, Resource" is offered by the Superior Institute for Women’s Studies of the Pontifical Ateneum Regina Apostolorum with the aim of ...

John Paul II Institute
A seminar on the logic of desire and the theology of faith

"Faithfulness and Trust: The Logic of Desire and the Theology of Faith” is the theme of the study seminar promoted by the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute. Today, the culture of ...