World meeting for families

Msgr. Simón Vázquez (Holy See), “The important and necessary role” of associations


“Today, family associations play an important and necessary role in the promotion of the Gospel of the family. Now, this is so for at least two reasons: first, the current socio-cultural context and, second, the most realistic awareness of the family’s being and mission in the wake of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia.” Msgr. Carlos Simón Vázquez, delegate of our Dicastery’s Prefect, said this at the World Meeting of Families being held in Dublin. “the individual, and not the family, is essentially considered by law, economics, and politics as the main protagonist”, he observed: “Family associationism promotes, firstly, mutual help between families in view of the human and spiritual development of its members,” but “There is, however, a second dimension of family associationism, complementary to the aforesaid action, which is also urgent today,” that of “promoting social initiatives in the different fields of attention and defense of the family: education, social communication media, family rights, family policies, large families, etc.” Therefore, “family associations are formed by families who unite to produce a network of actions in the service of society and the Church.” For Msgr. Vázquez, “associationism has no other function than of facilitating this intrinsic grammar of the family,” and its action “tends to empower the family so that it may act as a network that gives its surroundings a family style. Thus, the family style within society will make it more just, peaceful, supportive, and subsidiary.” “Associationism promotes the family’s vocation and mission by helping the family to live more and better each day as a responsible and active protagonist of the New Evangelization,” he concluded.


24 August 2018