JP II Institute

1968: The Sexual Revolution Between Myth and Reality

A study seminar on the complexity of living human love, the man-woman alliance, and generativity
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“Sessantotto e dintorni. La rivoluzione sessuale tra mito e realtà” is the title of the study seminar organized by the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for May 9. “The period of 1968—explain the promoters—has produced epochal changes in contemporary society: the affective sphere has been one of the most deeply marked areas, with complex, sometimes dramatic and contradictory results, even in the fabric of ecclesial life. In a long-term perspective—they continue—it is worth asking whether and how what happened then can can help us to understand the complexity in our lives today with regard to human love, the man-woman alliance, and generativity.”

The historian Lucetta Scaraffia, Mario Cusinato of the Treviso Family Center, and Gilfredo Marengo of the John Paul II Theological Institute will be the speakers.


For information and registration click here.

22 April 2018