Sex Education
Young people and affectivity
In the context of Family Week, a convention was held in Rome on affectivity and sexuality attended by Undersecretary Gambino
To focus on the “integral education” of young people, to accompany them in understanding their identity as an individual composed of body and soul called upon to live their relationships with ...
From Japan
A story of love and friendship, where technology serves to ask: “What’s your name?”
A “simple and beautiful” story of friendship, in which technology is a tool for getting to know the other person, while destined to leave room for the memory of the heart and an urgent question: ...
JP II Institute
A study seminar on the complexity of living human love, the man-woman alliance, and generativity
“Sessantotto e dintorni. La rivoluzione sessuale tra mito e realtà” is the title of the study seminar organized by the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for May 9. “The period of ...
Experts from around the world meet at the International Seminar on “The Meeting Point,” the course inspired by Amoris Laetitia
Two days of work were devoted to creating a platform for dialogue between experts on marriage, families, and young people, so that all may contribute to a multidisciplinary reflection on education to ...
Experts from all over the world are discussing the course of affective-sexual education inspired by the Amoris Laetitia
Upgrading the experience of the Course in different environments, especially in view of the Dublin World Meeting of Families, and contributing to the 2018 Synod of Bishops on Youth. These are the ...
The essay by Therese Hargot, lay observatory on affectivity (not completely) lost
At the base, there is the question: What have we made of sexual liberation conquered in the sixties? This is the starting point of Therese Hargot, 33-year-old a Belgian sexologist, graduate in ...
In Bari, the educational project for the affectivity of the young, sponsored by the Forum of Families in collaboration with the Italian Union of Catholic Teachers, has been launched Five stages, ...