
An Indispensable Contribution

Prefect Farrell’s message to the XXIII National Meeting on Family Pastoral Care organized by the Episcopal Conference of Guatemala
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“Never ignore the fact that every person includes a concrete and individual reality which we must understand, just as we need to focus our pastoral efforts  on the experiences of the members of every family in each domestic context and not on the basis of abstract theological ideals”.

The Prefect, Kevin Farrell  has written this in the message he sent on the occasion of the XXIII National Meeting of Family Pastoral Care organized by the Episcopal Conference of Guatemala which ended yesterday.

“We exhort you “– continued the Prefect in his message –“ to enrich the various sectors with the profound pastoral understanding proposed by Amoris Laetitia.  Furthermore, we sincerely hope that the concrete experiences and reality of the lay faithful in their family and community lives can be a source of enrichment to assist local churches to a richer understanding.  The contribution of the laity, by virtue of their baptismal call” – concluded   Cardinal Farrell – is indispensable”.



12 November 2018