Conference on life

Caring for life in its frailness

“Yes to Life!” is the title of the forthcoming international conference organized by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life from the 23rd to 25th May, in cooperation with the Italian Foundation "Il Cuore in una Goccia"

“Perinatal medicine today offers extraordinary opportunities for assistance in nascent life, but at the same time poses important questions on the concrete accompaniment of couples and families who experience the birth of a child. Faced with the challenges of welcoming children diagnosed with foetal pathologies (…), we would like to offer a moment of formation and of scientific and pastoral information, in order to promote a truly welcoming culture of nascent life in situations of great suffering and disability. In all situations, life is a gift and an ‘opportunity  to grow in love, mutual aid and unity’ (Amoris Laetitia, 47).”  This is the most significant passage in the invitation letter signed by Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery, addressed to the representatives of local churches and to associations operating in pastoral care and promotion of life. Speakers on themes of a scientific nature and pastoral care will include doctors and experts on perinatal medicine and family psychology.  To register for the event, please complete the attached form and send it to Places are subject to availability.

27 February 2019