
The Forthcoming International Conference “Yes to Life!”

A Video Message from Prof. Giuseppe Noia
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“Is it possible to wed tenderness to prenatal science ?” This is the question asked by Prof. Giuseppe Noia, President of the Italian Non-Profit Foundation Il Cuore in una goccia, on introducing the theme of the International Conference “Yes to life – Caring for the precious gift of life in its frailness”, organized by the Foundation and by our Dicastery that will take place in Rome from 23rd to 25th May 2019.

This is an event – the first international event organized by the Dicastery on the theme of human life – that will be attended by bishops and pastoral operators from all over the world, to reflect on how we can provide medical treatment and assistance combined with excellence to those children who, often and without due consideration, are defined as being “incompatible with life”.

There’s still time to register for the event by compiling the attached form.

11 April 2019