Laudato si’

Towards a new anthropology

The role of families and young people in the application of the Encyclical promoting an integral ecology
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Family, life, and young people are some of the main themes in a document titled: “Journeying towards care of our common home—five years after Laudato Si’,” presented in the Sala Stampa and discussed by the Holy See’s inter-Dicastery roundtable on an integral ecology.

This inter-Dicastery text—which is the fruit of a collaboration of a number of entities within the Catholic Church and the Holy See, including our Dicastery—“is intended to highlight the call of Laudato Si’ for the respect of every human life and for every vulnerable human person, as a requirement for truly integral ecology,” explains the Undersecretary of the Dicastery, Gabriella Gambino. “In fact, Laudato Si’ lays the foundations for an adequate anthropology, without which is it not possible to bring about ‘eco-logic,’ i.e. a profound understanding of ecology’s very nature and of the tools we have at our disposal for the protection of our common home.”

Still, Gambino continues, this document ‘is addressed to everyone, and to young people in particular, providing educational paths and practical and concrete suggestions for implementing Laudato Si’ in every context of life: social, pedagogical, economic, scientific, political, pastoral—and last but not least, within the family, since all of us, adults and children alike, are called to an ecological conversion.”


19 June 2020