Amoris Laetitia Videos
Available now: the third video of the Holy Father in dialogue with families

“With the same look of tenderness and mercy that Jesus had, the Church wants to accompany families so that every family might be a pillar of evangelization. I would like to say one thing to you: with ...

Rosary for engaged couples
Did you know that, in the Year of St. Joseph, a Plenary Indulgence is being offered to families and engaged couples?

In the Year of St. Joseph, a Decree issued by the Apostolic Penitentiary on December 8, 2020 on the granting of Indulgences states that the special gift of a Plenary Indulgence will be granted under ...

Family and food-justice
The intervention of Undersecretary Ghisoni at the webinar “Food for Life: the role of women in promoting integral human development”

The family, and above all women, as a factor of change for the achievement of sustainable development goals, in particular the elimination world hunger. Linda Ghisoni, Undersecretary of the Dicastery ...

Guidelines WYD
The guidelines approved by the Holy Father are an encouragement for the whole Church to give a new impetus to the youth day celebrated in the local realities

  An experience of faith and vocational discernment, a personal encounter between pastors and young people (not only those involved in the life of the Church), an opportunity to discover and put ...

Pope Francis at the opening of the States General for Birth-rates

"Children are the hope that revives a people! [...] If families are not at the centre of the present, there will be no future; but if families restart, everything restarts." Said Pope ...