"I am happy that the Pope wrote that I am important for the Church"
The Holy Father's Message on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was presented today at the Press Office of the Holy See
The Message of Pope Francis on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which falls on December 3rd, was presented today - 25 November 2021 - at the Holy See Press Office.
It was also an opportunity to talk about the decision of the Dicastery to launch a reflection and pastoral action in this area. The Secretary of the Dicastery, Fr. Alexandre Awi, in his speech, emphasized that "for us, the pastoral care of persons with disabilities represents a new theme on which we have decided to commit ourselves and invest a lot of energy." The Secretary explained that this is a commitment that will cover all three main competences of the Dicastery because "Persons with disabilities by virtue of Baptism are lay people, participants in the same vocation as all Christians; their presence questions family pastoral care and they are at the center of the Church's concern in the defense of all life. "
After him, Vittorio Scelzo, the official in charge of this sector, explained how friendship with Jesus, which the Pope indicates as the way to go for persons with disabilities, is "a simple way, accessible to all, but not at all naïve. It is a joyful and affectionate way of being Christian. If the Church is able to welcome its daughters and sons with disabilities, it will be more beautiful".
Antonietta Pantone, from the association Faith and Light, concluded the presentation by saying: "I am comforted that the Pope recognizes that things are not at all easy for us persons with disabilities and for our families. But I am happy that the Pope has written that I am important for the Church, that I am needed. Of course because of my situation I need many things, but I also have my task as a disciple of Jesus. "
25 November 2021
An unlimited Joy
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