#WMOF22: “Holiness in Families around the world”, the book given to delegates

A practical and profound journey to know the great mystery of marriage
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In the Year for the Family “Amoris Laetitia”, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life has prepared this booklet on “Holiness in Families around the World” with the purpose of providing family ministry with a path to reveal the beauty of the vocation to marriage and family as a way to holiness.

During the 10th World Meeting of Families, “Holiness in Families around the world”,  was given as a gift to the 2000 delegates and was presented by Giovanni and Elisabetta Scifoni.

Our hope is that each one of us be encouraged to seek, as did these couples, the original and only way of holiness that the Lord wishes to give to our family, reminding us that «the measure of our holiness» does not depend on our greatness, rather «from the stature that Christ achieves in us». (GE 21)


  • Biographical notes.
  • Everyday life, with some ideas for reflection.
  • Instruments of “holiness”, with some ideas for reflection.

Who is this for?

  • Spouses and families who wish to deepen their understanding of how to live the Gospel to the fullest.
  • Communities that long to embrace the great mystery of marriage as a path to holiness.

How to use

  • As a training course to be used as a couple or with other families.
  • As a family ministry process for formation in parishes and dioceses.

This book is addressed to married couples and families who wish to deepen their awareness of how to live the Gospel in its fullness and to all those who wish to experience the great mystery of the marriage as a way to holiness.

Published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana (pp 205, €15), “Holiness in Families around the world” is available in 5 languages: Italian, French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.

25 June 2022
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