Academic Initiatives

Discernment as a Path of Christian Life

The Undersecretary, Prof. Gambino, opens the second appointment of the cycle of conferences "Amoris Laetitia"
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On Friday 18 February 2022, the study seminar entitled Discernment: a Christian way of life took place, organized by the "John Paul II" Pontifical Theological Institute and the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life in collaboration with the Diocese of Rome.

The initiative is part of the academic activities of the " Amoris Laetitia Family" Year and is part of a series of high-profile academic meetings to deepen and provide spaces and times for reflection on three central categories of the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: Common, Discernment, Tradition.

In the opening greeting, the Undersecretary of the Dicastery, Prof. Gabriella Gambino, shared some reflections on the central theme of the seminar: discernment as a path of Christian life.

Discernment is crucial for every Christian

“Discernment – Prof.Gambino told the participants  present and online on the Institute's Youtube channel - is crucial for every good Christian, but even more so for young people, who will hold the Church of the future in their hands, and for families, in whose hands the Lord places the welcome and care of every new life and of vocations. Now more than ever, since the Holy Father has already called us to a new synodal journey, which is intended to be the culmination of a process of listening and discernment within the Church in order to be all participants in the mission in a spirit of authentic communion. A journey in the Spirit".

A new life in Christ, which transforms our plans

Dwelling on family discernment, the Undersecretary added that “in the difficult situations of today's families, discernment can help us understand the scope of new life in Christ, which transforms our plans, changes our decisions and makes us capable of choices we never imagined before in order to return to Him each time”.

Finally, addressing formators, Gambino launched an appeal so that young people, spouses, and families would be helped to read the signs of God in their lives. “Let us train ourselves to know how to accompany them, when the crisis is strong, but also when things seem to be going well: that is the perfect time to train ourselves in family discernment in everyday life.  He “gives everything to us. He does not want to enter our lives to cripple or diminish them, but to bring them to fulfilment.” (GE175)

18 February 2022