Amoris Laetitia Family Year
Christian family life: the "most beautiful face of the Church "
An article by Gabriella Gambino, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life that appeared in Omnes magazine - May 2022
There are three points that can offer food for thought for the upcoming World Meeting of Families that the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life wants to bring to everyone's attention in these days leading up to the event. In an article published in Spanish in Omnes magazine, Prof. Gabriella Gambino lists them as follows: 1. The Meeting will take place from June 22 to 26 next year and will have an "unprecedented and multicentric form, with local initiatives in dioceses around the world, similar to those that will take place in Rome." 2. It will be an opportunity to celebrate the conclusion of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year, during which many initiatives have been undertaken and new pastoral tools have been tried out to "reach families, to form them, to walk with them and make them protagonists of pastoral care, even in their natural imperfection." 3. Finally, the theme "Family love: vocation and way to holiness" conveys the message that "the Family is a wonderful reality, imbued with a beauty of its own that the Church must proclaim with greater courage" because it is a path that, "when lived with fidelity and perseverance, realizes that vocation to holiness [which is] proper to every person."
06 June 2022
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