Amoris Laetitia Family Year

Local Churches’ first initiatives for the Amoris Laetitia Family Year

Academic and pastoral events in the United States, Chile, and Guatemala

Since the Holy Father first opened the “Amoris Laetitia Family Year,” preparations for many events focused on deepening an appreciation for the Apostolic Exhortation—which celebrated its fifth anniversary of publication this past 19 March—are already underway.

Prof. Gabriella Gambino, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Life, has taken part in several academic and pastoral conferences in recent weeks in order to express the Holy See’s encouragement that this year not only be a time of celebration, but also an occasion to reflect on the renewal of pastoral ministry to families within parishes, dioceses, and episcopal conferences. And so, in a video message to leaders of the Family Pastoral Teams of the Guatemalan Episcopal Conference and to the families of Guatemala, the Undersecretary highlights how, in the Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis wishes first of all that “Christian families be helped to appreciate fully the gift of the sacrament of marriage and the gift of the family, and to be sustained in a strong and meaningful love; and secondly, that all of us—especially those who are involved in pastoral ministry to families, a ministry in which families themselves are called to be active agents—be signs of mercy and loving closeness wherever family life is not perfectly realized or where it does not develop with peace and joy.”

With similar words, she also addressed the launch of the activities that will take place in the southeast region of the United States, as well as the “Yes to Life” conference of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile on perinatal care.

07 April 2021