Synod 2021-2023

A family among families: Synodal, missionary and family Church

Ideas for embarking on the synodal process with families published
Francesco con famiglia.jpg


Families wish to walk along the synodal path as pastoral and ecclesial subjects, giving their contribution with their own experience of joy and suffering to the mission of the Church. Therefore, a truly synodal journey must help the Church to be enriched by the evangelizing presence of families and to treasure the experience and style that families can offer.

In order to undertake this synodal process with families, the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life has prepared a brief tool for dioceses, parishes, Movements and Associations, with some useful suggestions.

The document, entitled "Points of reflection for a synodal path with families", states that: "The synodal journey does not ask us to reflect now only on the needs and requirements of families, but on the contribution that the family in itself can give to the synodal journey of the Church, as a pastoral subject."

The text contains several references to the Pope's Magisterium and a series of questions to help families and formators contribute to the synodal process. It is also featured in the "Family and Synodality" section of the official Synod website and it is available in Italian, English, French and Spanish.

20 April 2022
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