Christus Vivit

Christus Vivit
Meeting of the National Youth Ministry Teams of the Latin American region of the Southern Cone

The 2018 Synod on Young People is now in the phase of its full realization, and young people are tasked with proposing ideas and projects so that the Synod can be implemented by Bishops’ Conferences, ...

In the light of Christus vivit, a reflection from Fr. Awi Mello for the virtual meeting of the youth ministry leaders of Mexico and Central America

From 26 – 31 October, the virtual meeting for youth ministry on the theme of “We are not alone, we walk together” was held in Mexico and Central America. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event ...

For popular, synodal and missionary pastoral care in the Dominican Republic

“Towards the horizon with our feet on the ground” was the theme of the 5th National Assembly of Youth Ministry in the Dominican Republic, which was celebrated on 11 and 12 September 2020, live on ...

A Videoconference by the Secretary with the Archdiocese of Santiago de Chile

On Saturday, August 8, Fr. Alexandre Awi Mello participated in the III Vocational Table, a videoconference that had the participation of Youth Ministry advisers of the Archdiocese of Santiago de ...


On Saturday 16 May, the members of the International Youth Advisory Body met via videoconference to begin their common work—an important phase in the implementation of the Synod of 2018 on youth, ...

The message of Pope Francis for the 35th World Youth Day 2020

The message of the Holy Father to young people for the 35th World Youth Day 2020, which will be celebrated on a diocesan level throughout the world, focuses on the theme of: “Young man, I say to you, ...

In Turin, an event in view of the Global Compact on Education

“We were inspired by the synodal process with young people and by the Apostolic Exhortation ‘Christus vivit,’ in which the Holy Father speaks directly on the importance of social friendships among ...

The address of Secretary Fr. Awi to the 20th Latin American Pastoral Youth Meeting

“Young people are the heirs of a great past, the bearers of a great present, and the builders of a great future.” This paraphrase of Fr. Joseph Kentenich, the founder of the Apostolic Movement of ...

Christus Vivit
The message of Fr. Awi to the youth participating in the 33rd National Youth Pastoral Assembly of Venezuela

From 4 – 6 October 2019, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference sponsored the thirty-third National Pastoral Assembly in Caracas. Young people from all over the county, along with those in responsible ...

Christus vivit

Twenty-six young people from different parts of the world have prepared video testimonies that were inspired by Christus Vivit ‒ Pope Francis’ most recent apostolic exhortation‒, and also by their ...