
Movements and Associations
Cardinal Kevin Farrell opens the Annual Meeting with Moderators

  After the Opening Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica and the Audience with Pope Francis, the Annual Meeting with Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial Movements and New Communities ...

Movements and Associations
In New Synod Hall, the opening session together with about 200 moderators and delegates

"I am pleased to meet with you and take this opportunity to reflect with you on synodality, which you have chosen as the theme for your meeting".With these words, Pope Francis addressed the ...

Movements and Associations
On 13 June in the Vatican, the Annual Meeting with Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial Movements, and New Communities organised by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life

  Around 200 participants will attend the Annual Meeting with the Moderators of Associations of the Faithful, Ecclesial Movements, and New Communities, organised by the Dicastery for Laity, ...

Youth Ministry
The International Congress on Youth Ministry has concluded. Here are the key points that emerged from the meeting

  The International Congress on Youth Ministry – ‘For a Synodal Youth Ministry: New Leadership Styles and Strategies’ – which was organised by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life ...

Grandparents and the Elderly
80 representatives of bishops’ conferences and international associations at the webinar organised ahead of the 4th World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

  The webinar on the pastoral care of the elderly – organised on the occasion of the publication of the Holy Father's message and pastoral kit for the 4th World Day for Grandparents and the ...

Youth Ministry
Starting anew from Christus vivit by taking a synodal approach

  After the first day, during which the first preparatory meeting for World Youth Day in Seoul in 2027 occurred, the entire second day of the International Congress on Youth Ministry organised by ...

Youth Pastoral Ministry
To the 300 participants also the presentation of the next Youth Jubilee and WYD Seoul 2027

  The International Congress on Youth Ministry organised by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life (DLFL) commenced this morning, on 23 May 2024. Around 300 participants from 110 ...

Launched by the Dicastery, the task of accompanying and supporting the Family and Life Commissions of the Bishops’ Conferences around the world

  On 18 April, the Dicastery hosted an online meeting attended by almost 200 people including heads of the Family and Life Commissions of the Bishops’ Conferences, representatives of family ...

Youth Ministry
From 23 to 25 May, the International Congress on Youth Ministry

  From 23 to 25 May, approximately 300 delegates of Episcopal Conferences from 110 countries will take part in the International Congress on Youth Ministry which was organised by the Dicastery ...

#Synod 2023
Before Pope Francis, 18,000 people gathered together entrusting the work of the Synod to the Holy Spirit

  With their testimonies, Agatha, Emile and Tilen: three young members of the IYAB - the Youth Advisory Body established by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life - opened Together, the ...