Youth Ministry

Circles of spiritual conversation: The second day of the International Congress of Youth Ministry focuses on the theme of synodality

Starting anew from Christus vivit by taking a synodal approach


After the first day, during which the first preparatory meeting for World Youth Day in Seoul in 2027 occurred, the entire second day of the International Congress on Youth Ministry organised by the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life was structured around sharing groups which followed a synodal method of conversation and discernment with the Spirit.

Starting anew from Christus vivit and promoting new styles of Youth Ministry

Starting from the themes present in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus vivit, such as that of discernment, proclamation of the kerygma, accompaniment, and growth of young people within their realities, the information sessions and sharing groups followed one another throughout the day.

The address by Rev. Prof. Gustavo Cavagnari, sdb - Lecturer in Youth Ministry at the Pontifical Salesian University – and Dr Brenda Noriega – member of the first IYAB and expert in faith formation processes at Boston College, USA – helped to enter into the synodal method for accompaniment and leadership formation. Rev. Fr Christopher Ryan MGL – Director of the Areté Centre for Missionary Leadership in Australia – spoke on the theme of synodality and mission, and on proclaiming Christ with clarity and free from fear or compromise. Next, Rev. Fr Franco Galdino – Coordinator of the Youth Office of the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life – presented the results of a questionnaire sent to the participants in preparation for the Congress which required them to express their views on themes such as the accompaniment and leadership of young people; and then proceeded to propose a new style of youth ministry in the digital world.

Circles of spiritual conversation: A method and proposal for journeying together

The real novelty of the day was experimenting with circles of spiritual conversation. The young delegates met several times in groups divided by language to delve into the themes of the Congress and present their findings and ideas in a plenary feedback session. Mutual listening, moments of silence and prayer characterised the entire day. The experiment was conducted for the first time at the Congress and was greatly appreciated by the participants, who were aware that they were experiencing an important moment for the universal Church and for the future of youth ministry.

The day ended with the presentation of the results of the sharing groups and a plenary discussion. Finally, a moment of Eucharistic Adoration was organised to entrust the reflections, questions and insights that arose during the day to Jesus in the Eucharist.


24 May 2024
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