Between theory and practice

Six Evenings in the Parish to Reflect on Pope Francis’ Words and Family Life in View of Dublin

A six-part program for parishes based on “Amoris Laetitia,” designed in preparation for the World Meeting of Families, will be presented on 21 August, at Our Lady of Knock, together with the icon of the Holy Family, the official hymn, and the official Prayer of the Meeting, as well as other supportive resources for parishes, such as the Local Facilitators Guide and a volume of practical initiatives that can be used during the preparation for the international event that will take place in summer 2018.

This program of six evenings on which participants are called to share reflection on experiences in their family life in the light of Pope Francis’s considerations in Amoris Laetitia, including the starting point and people’s hopes and fears with regard to marriage and family. The evening sessions are structured as follows: the first and second sessions focus on the reality of family life in the world today and on the Christian vision of the family, in the light of the culture of consumerism but also of the fundamental role played by God’s love in the conjugal bond and in openness to life.

During the third and fourth sessions, the program explores how love is lived in the family. The fifth encounter focuses on the Pope’s understanding of human fragility in the reality of the family and the importance of divine mercy when approaching this fragility, with particular attention to those who live in the periphery. The final session of the program is dedicated to exploring the Gospel of Hope for Families, with Francis’ advice for daily life and testimonies of mature couples.

The program is enriched by videos that prompt ideas for discussion, including a variety of contributions from Amoris Laetitia, that are intended to help in finding common points between life’s reality and the words of Pope Francis. It is recommended to conclude each session with a coffee or tea reception, in small groups, to allow further reflection on the questions raised during the encounter.

20 August 2017
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