“Haitian families do not feel alone”
Ad Limina Visit of Haiti’s Bishops

“The family is an invaluable asset for which we will never stop thanking God.” In these words, pronounced by Msgr. Yves-Marie Péan on the occasion of the Ad Limina visit of Haiti’s Bishops at the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, there is all the awareness of the importance of the family institution on this Central American island.
"This reality is marked by lights and shadows—continued the Bishop of Gonaives—The family continues to play an important role in the life of our country, in its human and spiritual growth, and it is still the basic cell of society that guarantees its harmony and balance.”
Many couples are engaged in transmitting values and the faith to their children, and often the Christian couples are those who go to meet those who are preparing for marriage.
However, the Bishops also expressed concern about the “disturbing shadows” that are gathering around the family. First of all, the material misery of a country that continues to be one of the poorest in the world and which, in recent years, has been hit by devastating disasters, such as the 2010 earthquake. Then, thee are problems because of the spread of ideas, often coming from outside, that are weakening the family. In many cases, “families feel assaulted, and this situation—Msgr. Péan said—cannot but worry us as pastors. However, we were not keeping our arms crossed, and we can say that the Haitian families do not feel alone "
Card. Langlois, in an interview for laityfamilylife.va, also spoke about family life in Haiti.
Then, the subject of the laity was introduced by Bishop Pierre-André Dumas, who explained how, in particular since the Aparecida Conference, laypeople have become protagonists in the Church. Many are engaged in the mission, and parish centers have been entrusted them. “That is why—said the Bishop—their formation is crucial.”
Speaking about the youth, Haiti's prelates told about a Church that is full of vitality and has many vocations, and where attendance at Sunday Mass reaches 50%. Msgr. Quesnel described how their seminary is full and flourishing religious congregations.
22 June 2017

TAFISA Friend for Life Award
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