
A Renewed Mission

Address of Pope Francis to the participants at the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
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A mission that is “difficult, yet also exhilarating,” is set against a horizon, where “there is no shortage of men and women of good will, scholars included, with differing approaches to religion and with a variety of anthropological and ethical visions, who agree on the need to propose a more authentic wisdom about life in view of the common good.”

This is where the “renewed” Pontifical Academy for Life is at work, said Pope Francis this morning to the participants of the General Assembly in a speech where the word “life” appeared 34 times.

“The Biblical account of creation needs to be read and reread, in order to appreciate the breadth and depth of the loving action of the God who entrusts creation and history to the covenant of man and woman.” Francis, continued, adding, “This covenant is certainly sealed by the personal and fruitful union of love that, through marriage and the family, is the means of transmitting life.”


05 October 2017