
Amoris Laetitia has given us a program for the pastoral care of families

Visit ad Limina of the Catholic Bishops' Assembly of Ontario
Visita ad Limina of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario-014.JPG

“We have to take care of real families and not the ideal ones we have in our minds.” This statement was at the heart of the exchange that took place in the office of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life on the occasion of the Ad Limina Visit of the Assembly of the Catholic Bishops of Ontario.

As Msgr. O’Brien, Archbishop of Kingston, said in the interview that we are publishing here, Amoris Laetitia is a precious tool in this regard because “it has given us wonderful ideas, a real program for the pastoral care of families.

Now, more and more families are coming to us.”
This is a task—said the Bishops—that must involve, in addition to the parishioners, increasing numbers of families who are able to accompany couples in difficulty. “We cannot wait for those who live in a difficult situation to come to church to ask for help; we must help laypeople to go out of churches and meet those in need!”


#AdLimina visit of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of #Ontario Mgr O'Brien #AmorisLaetitia has given us a program for pastoral care of the #family

Un post condiviso da Laity, Family and Life (@laityfamilylife) in data:

Moreover, Ontario’s Bishops are promoting the formation of mature laypeople who, in addition to being engaged as they already are in charitable works, can speak with politicians and institutions in defense of the needs of the family and of Life in an increasingly secular society.
This Ad Limina Visit was also an occasion for recalling the fruits produced among young Canadians by the 2002 World Youth Day.


Visita ad Limina of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario
25 April 2017