World Meeting of Families

Fraga Couple (Anglicans), “Many healed hearts are becoming part of our family”


“In marriage, we recognize a sacrament or a ‘sign’ of Jesus’ real presence in the world. I think that, very early in our marriage, we began to understand the impact of our relationship on other people.” This was said by Nadia Fraga, who took the floor together with her husband Tony, this morning during the panel discussion on Marriage, the Family and the Search for Christian Unity, at the World Meeting of Families, being held in Dublin. Recalling their attention to other couples, the Fragas said they had opened the doors of their home and turned it into “an anchorage point, a constant in the lives of the people who share life with us.” “Perhaps the most important thing is that our house continues to host a large table where there is always space for someone else. We have seen many hearts healed simply by allowing them to become part of our family.” Attention is given to “people from all walks of life.” “We talk a lot about the idea of accompaniment,” said the spouses, “Our family has loved people who come from other faiths, people without faith, those with an attraction for the same sex, and all the others. The beauty of the house is that it can often be said ‘unbranded.’” Among the problems encountered is that many people find it difficult to understand this family’s openness and the Fraga family home, Tony indicated that “seeing it as a program that requires regular ‘presences;’ a great sense of inadequacy is felt. But this is not the truth about us or our situation.” “In reality, we are not running a program but simply living a life nourished by the Holy Spirit and the grace of God the Father,” said Tony Fraga. God lives through our marriage, even if Nadia and I are far from perfect. Taking our imperfect home, our imperfect children, our imperfect lives, He shows us how to be available to others, by including them in the constancy of our daily lives.”



24 August 2018