Dublin: Linda Ghisoni
It’s Love that Keeps Us on Our Feet
In the intervention of the Undersecretary Linda Ghisoni on Amoris Laetitia’s chapter four. A round table on the heart of the Exhortation: “And the greatest is love: Pope Francis on 1 Cor 13”

St. Paul’s unsurpassable hymn to love in his First Letter to the Corinthians, is considered in detail, in chapter four of Amoris Laetitia, “illustrating the significance of attitudes inspired by love and that make us grow in love, without which we are nothing.” If love is kind, love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude; if it does not insist on its own way, is not irritable or resentful, and does not rejoice in wrongdoing but in the truth, if it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, then we naturally ask: “How can we live all this? Is this a recipe for perfect people? If that is the case, then it’s not for me, not for those who live amidst daily challenges and limits, with whom we have to deal every day.”
This is the starting point of the range of testimonies offered during the panel session with: Giulia and Tommaso married for five years, Lidia and Andrea for 23, and Anna and Alberto for 51. “Through all—the years of marriage, whether few or many; the gift of children or not, open to living parenthood not on a biological level but certainly in the cultural and spiritual spheres; health or illness; well-being or economic hardship; falls and new beginnings...—, above everything and in everything, it’s Love that keeps us on our feet!”
22 August 2018

The frailty of the elderly is a ‘magisterium’ capable of teaching without the need for words
On Saturday 27 April, ...
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