Dublin: Gabriella Gambino
Putting Down Roots While Dancing Toward the Future
Today marriage and the Christian family are challenged at their roots, but the awareness of the sacramental identity, the certainty that they are rooted in God, pushes Christian spouses to draw strength and dance to the future with hope

Gabriella Gambino, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, moderated, on Friday August 24th, panel 2 on chapter 6 of Amoris Laetitia, in which the Christian spouses are invited to continue the dance of falling in love: “Young love needs to keep dancing towards the future with immense hope” (219). Helping couples to experience marriage, from the beginning, as a vocation, destined to embrace their whole time of life is possible, “because the family is the place where God’s fidelity can manifest itself in all its power and where we, in turn, can be faithful to God.” The foundation of hope is “learning to forgive each other from the first years of marriage on.” Living at this “height” also requires the collaboration of the Church: if pastors must witness to their faith in the sacrament of marriage, we together, spouses and pastors, “must all be aware of the need to assume our shared responsibility for the good of the Church, understood as a communion of families.” The rock on which to build is the act of faith in the indissolubility of our marriages: “we need to be supported in order to live our conjugal existence with hope, aware that we are sharing our fate as spouses. We must be able to dance towards the future, not with the lightness of ingenuity and superficiality, but with the energy and strength that come from knowing that we are united in God and by God for the rest of our life,” so that we may leave the world a sign of hope.
24 August 2018

Thirty years after the first World Meeting of Families, a mini-documentary to relive the joy of the Meetings of the last three Popes
On 8 October 1994, Saint John Paul II ...
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