Towards a missionary Church: first meeting of the new young members of the IYAB
From twenty cultures to one body: the young members of the International Youth Advisory Body proclaim, “Christ is alive!”

From 9-13 December, Rome hosted the first in-person meeting of the newly elected members of the International Youth Advisory Body (IYAB), composed of 20 young advisors from various countries and ecclesial backgrounds. This unique initiative brings together different youth voices to work towards the common dream for the Universal Church outlined by Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium: “I dream of a ‘missionary option’, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelization of today’s world.” (cf. EG, 27)
For common discernment
The meeting marked the beginning of a listening process led by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life – not only listening to young people individually but focusing on the Advisory Body as a whole. This allowed the group to move from focusing on the “I” to the “we.”
The guiding document for their collective reflections was the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit. Through the synodal method of Conversations in the Spirit, during the work sessions the young participants deepened their analysis of the current reality and key themes, such as mission, vocation, youth leadership in the Church, and passing on faith to new generations. Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, attentive listening and sharing allowed the group to discern a vision of the Church rooted in their own experiences. In listening and collaboration, the group discovered how cultural diversity is an essential asset for building a shared dream founded on the Gospel.
Cultural diversity in one body
“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Cor 12:12). This passage from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians aptly describes the spirit that characterized this first meeting of the Body: a balance between personal reflection and community discernment, individual prayer and group sharing, and the celebration of the Holy Mass, which served as a central moment for placing themselves within the complementarity of the Universal Church.
Each young person brought with them a testimony of faith deeply rooted in their own culture and local reality, expanding the group’s vision towards the universal horizon of the Catholic Church. Experience has proven that active youth participation is not only possible, but vital for the renewal and vibrancy of the Church in an ever-changing world.
Towards a missionary Church
The first IYAB meeting ended with a special and familial moment in the presence of the Holy Father. During this gathering, young people had the opportunity to present their questions, shared dreams, and the conclusions from their days of work at the Advisory Body. This gesture symbolized not only the strength and unity of the group, but also the hope for a Church that is youthful, authentic, vibrant, and guided by the Holy Spirit – ready to embark on mission in their local Churches, to bear witness to hope among other young people, and to face current challenges with faith, joy and courage.
Following this inaugural event, the Body will continue its meetings and online work sessions under the guidance of the Dicastery’s Youth Office, and will offer its collective voice to other Vatican entities as well.
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