Movements and Communities

Ecclesial movements
Meeting with the international leaders of the ecclesial movements and new communities

During the meeting with the international leaders of ecclesial movements and new communities, held on 14 June, at the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Card. Farrell chose to present to the ...

Ecclesial movements
In an interview with the “Amici del Pellegrinaggio” Card. Farrell explains the significance of the March of Loretto

The March from Macerata to Loreto is “a collective and stimulating gesture that can be a visual representation of this underlying challenge” launched by Pope Francis to “to leave the enclosure, to go ...

Church movements
The Holy Father presided the ecumenical prayer vigil on the 50th anniversary of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Cardinal Farrell pronounced the homily at the Mass of reconciliation

Pope Francis thanked the participants at the Circus Maximus for their testimony during the meeting on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, celebrated on the ...

Ecclesial movements

Fr. Daniel Ange, founder of the School of Evangelization “Jeunesse-Lumière” and some fifty young people from different countries visited the Dicastery on Monday morning, June 5th. The young people, ...

Ecclesial movements
The Charismatic Renewal turns fifty. Celebrations in Rome with Pope Francis

Pope Francis personally invited the worldwide Catholic Charismatic Renewal to Rome for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the birth of this current of grace in the Catholic Church. “I am ...

New Families
Family Highlights in Loppiano: 1,000 present and 10,000 contacts. The Gospel is for the family!

At the initiative of the New Family Movement, during these months events, training sessions and several meetings are being held throughout the world to reflect on themes concerning the family and to ...

Ecclesial Movements
The Dicastery’s Prefect letter to the participants of the 40th National Congress of the Renewal in the Holy Spirit

Cardinal Kevin Farrell addressed wishes for abundant spiritual fruits, assuring them of his blessing and prayer, to the participants of the National Congress of the Groups and Communities belonging to ...

The Vigil

In the Roman basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, where several thousands of people had gathered, Card. Farrell presided the Vigil in memory of the contemporary martyrs, an event that the Community ...


  In his final greetings at the Wednesday General Audience on March 15th, in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis addressed words of encouragement the Focolare Movement “New Families,” which in the ...

  Last Saturday, Pope Francis met with the participants of the Meeting “Economy and Communion,” entrepreneurial association, based on fraternity and profit sharing, that is a part of the Focolare ...