Persons with disabilities
The session of a synodal listening to people with disabilities is drawing to a close
The session of synodal listening that the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, in collaboration with the General Secretariat of the Synod wanted to dedicate in a special way to people with ...
Persons with disabilities
The contribution of persons with disabilities to the Synod on Synodality
An online listening session, lasting about two hours, was held yesterday afternoon on the theme "The Church is your home. The contribution of people with disabilities to the Synod on ...
On the occasion of Sunday of the Word of God, the latest video in the #IamChurch series
The latest video in the #IamChurch series tells of Antonietta and Federico, two young people from Rome who are living their faith experience within a Faith and Light community. Their story is ...
The fourth video in the #IamChurch series
The fourth video in the #IamChurch series is a reflection by Australian Jesuit priest, Fr. Justin Glyn S.J., who - starting from his condition of disability - addresses the issue of limits, which ...
Online the third video of the series #IamChurch
In his Message addressed to persons with disabilities on the occasion of the International Day dedicated to them, Pope Francis reminds us - citing Gaudete et Exsultate - that we all have a ...
The second video of the #IamChurch series is online
"All of you have the opportunity to transform your life, to know God!" It's a call that comes from four young deaf brothers from Mexico who, in the second video of the #IamChurch ...
The first video of the #IamChurch series is online
In his recent Message on the occasion of the International Day dedicated to the disabled persons, Pope Francis affirms that "no one can refuse the Sacraments to people with ...
A reflection by Cardinal Farrell on Pope Francis' Message to people with disabilities
© L'Osservatore Romano, 3 december 2021 - Persons with disabilities are lay faithful who, by virtue of Baptism, have received the same prophetic, priestly, and royal mission as every ...
From December 6, the #IamChurch campaign begins: 5 video testimonies of Christians with disabilities
Pope Francis, in his message to persons with disabilities on the occasion of the International Day dedicated to them, wrote: Baptism makes each one of us a fully-fledged member of the ecclesial ...
The Holy Father's Message on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was presented today at the Press Office of the Holy See
The Message of Pope Francis on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which falls on December 3rd, was presented today - 25 November 2021 - at the Holy See Press ...